Skin Rejuvenation Therapy with VPL
Skin rejuvenation therapy delivers an amazingly beneficial result for all sorts of skin conditions. Face & Body Therapies Ulladulla is proud to offer the latest breakthrough in skin rejuvenation therapy, using the next generation in pulsed light technology. Energist Ultra VPL is an exciting non-invasive treatment for benign skin conditions such as pigmentation, sun damage, facial redness, broken capillaries, acne scarring, enlarged pores and fine lines.
Our skin rejuvenation therapy treatment supersedes traditional laser treatments, by leaving the surface layer of the skin undamaged, the recovery or ‘down time’ is such that you are able to return to your normal activities immediately. This is of great benefit to clients with busy lifestyles and is one of the reasons the therapy treatment is so popular. The Energist Ultra VPL is a safe, effective therapy that causes no damage to the tissues and achieves great results from the first treatment.
Whether you are looking for skin rejuvenation for the treatment of loss of collagen, fine lines, pigmentation, broken capillaries, scarring or enlarged pores the Energist Ultra VPL will deliver the results that you are after with minimum discomfort and no down time. Results are achieved by penetrating the epidermis, or the top layer of the skin, with a specific wavelength of light that targets the dermis where melanin (pigmentation), hemoglobin (broken capillaries) and collagen (responsible for the plumping out of the skin) reside.
It is exciting that this non-invasive therapy can achieve such fabulous results for the client wishing for a more advanced treatment, or needing concerns addressed. At Face & Body Therapies Ulladulla skin rejuvenation therapies are our specialty. Whatever your concerns we have the advanced knowledge, products and treatments to make you look and feel spectacular.